

郭国柱: 城岭


日期 :2019年9月7日 – 10月27日
地址:上海市黄埔区北京东路99号, L205 – 206A室
2019年9月7日 下午 4 – 7 点


郭国柱 Guo Guozhu
流园 No.2 | 122°82'E30°72'N  
Garden No.2|122°82'E30°72'N , 2015
艺术微喷 Fine Art Printing
128 x 100 cm

《流园》(2015年至今)是郭国柱最受赞誉的系列之一,这些作品记录了那些被为寻求社会阶级的上升而移居城市的农民所遗弃的村庄。他们留下的房屋已逐渐破败并被大自然吞噬,最终将被湮没遗忘。照片中人的缺失基本上是过去几十年间人口从农村到城市地区大规模迁移的明证。出身于农民的工人们深信他们将享受更美好的生活,因而留下了许多象征传统亦即被认为是落后的物件,如一整套陶瓷茶具、有着精美木刻的仿古木制床架以及明式的神台。然而稍具讽刺意味的是,类似的物品长期为收藏家所追捧,并在世界各地的拍卖会上以天价售出。在《流园 No.1 | 122°82'E 30°72'N》(2015)和《流园 No.2 | 122°82'E 30°72'N》(2015)中,郭国柱从高处拍摄下这些被遗弃的村庄,捕捉了这些房子的隐忍、安静和谦和之美。他的构图与那些表现意大利卡普里岛或希腊圣托里尼岛别墅的照片相仿,隐隐质疑“进步”和“美好生活”的定义。

郭国柱 Guo Guozhu
堂前间 No.22 The Entrance Hall No.22, 2014-2015
艺术微喷 Fine Art Printing
100 × 78 cm



郭国柱 Guo Guozhu
遗物 No.29 Relics of a village No.29, 2014-2015
艺术微喷 Fine Art Printing
40 × 40 cm

郭国柱于1982年生于福建永春,并于2005年毕业于南昌航空大学机械系。他的作品被收藏于中央美术学院美术馆及中国丽水摄影博物馆。他曾在多个画廊及艺术机构举办个展,包括德玉堂画廊,上海,2019;莲艺国际,纽约,2017中央美术学院美术馆,北京,2015。他参与的群展包括《东北亚当代摄影展-意义的流转》,2018台北国际摄影节,中正艺廊,台北,2018;《Yes or No》2018青年艺术100北京启动展,嘉德艺术中心,北京,2018;《无量:2016年度三影堂摄影奖作品展》,三影堂艺术中心,北京,2016;《集美×阿尔勒国际摄影季》,三影堂厦门摄影艺术中心,厦门,2015;及《手感》中国美术学院摄影“新学院活动”,中国美术学院美术馆,杭州,2015。郭国柱曾获第五届中国摄影年度排行榜、2016新锐摄影奖、第七届 Prix Pictet 摄影奖提名以及2016三影堂摄影奖入围等多个重要奖项。艺术家工作生活于厦门。

更多信息,请致信info@mlfinearts. com或联络 +86 21 6315 1582。
郭国柱 Guo Guozhu
遗物 No.07 Relics of a village No.07, 2014-2015
艺术微喷 Fine Art Printing
40 × 40 cm

Guo Guozhu: Abandoned

Matthew Liu Fine Arts

Date: September 7, 2019 – October 27, 2019
Address:Suite 205-206A, 99 East Beijing Rd

Opening Reception:September 7, 2019, 4-7 pm 

Matthew Liu Fine Arts is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition of the Xiamen-based artist Guo Guozhu at the gallery. Entitled Abandoned, the exhibition opens on Saturday, September 7th, with a reception from 4-7pm and runs through October 27th, 2019.
For more than a decade, Guo Guozhu has been researching and documenting the social, economic and environmental changes that have been taking place in China through his photographic works. He often captures abandoned domestic sites with traces of their previous residents, emphasizing the lost coherence in life, and fragmentation of identity. Like faded memories, these photographs reveal a truthful life and social structure that was not only trumped by urbanization and more importantly, the changing values in the process of Modernization. Comprised of works from three series, including Lingering Garden (2015-present), The Entrance Hall (2014-2015) and Relics of a village (2014-2015), this exhibition shed lights on the vanishing villages on Chinese rural regions along with the dissolving communities and traditional values in the process of rapid urbanization.

郭国柱 Guo Guozhu
流园 No.91 | 112°43′E 22°22′N 
Lingering Garden No.91 | 112°43′E 22°22′N
艺术微喷 Fine Art Printing
128 x 100 cm

As one of Guo Guozhu’s most critically acclaimed series, Lingering Garden (2015-present) captures the villages abandoned by farmers in search of a gentrified urban life. The houses that they left behind had been dilapidated and devoured by nature and eventually en route to oblivion. The absence of people in these photos are essentially documents of the massive migration from rural to urban areas in the past few decades. Convinced that they are going to enjoy a better life, the migrant workers left objects that symbolizes tradition and hence backward, such as a set of porcelain tea wares, a beautifully-carved antique wooden bed frames, and a Ming-style offering table. It is ironic that similar objects are constantly being sought after by the refined collectors and are sold at astronomical prices in auctions around the world. In Lingering Garden No.1|122°82’E 30°72’N (2015) and Garden No.2|122°82’E 30°72’N (2015), Guo photographed the village from above, capturing the seclusion, quietness and humble beauty of these houses. While the composition resembles those photos of the villas in Capri island, Italy or Santorini, Greek, they question the very definition of advancement and good life.

郭国柱 Guo Guozhu
堂前间 The Entrance Hall No.12, 2014-2015
艺术微喷 Fine Art Printing
100 × 78 cm

Assuming a similar tone of lamentation, The Entrance Hall (2014-2015) recorded the demolished homes of a small village in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. Entrance halls function as the pivotal social space for rural families, where they receive friends and visitors, and host the extended family celebrations or rituals at the end of each year. Objects, decorations and furnishings in the entrance halls often reveal the social status, tastes, religious orientations of the hosts. These sites also play an important part in maintaining the hierarchy of seniority in domestic life. Guo Guozhu’s photographs of the demolition of these spaces present a brutal invasion of the private life, and are elegies of the loss of the traditional family structure and value in the rapid urbanization.

郭国柱 Guo Guozhu
遗物 No.03 Relics of a village No.03, 2014-2015
艺术微喷 Fine Art Printing
40 × 40 cm

Exploring the most intimate parts of the memories and personal experiences, in Relics of a village (2014-2015) GuoGuozhu focuses his lenses on the abandoned objects left by the villagers. A basket of potatoes, vases and plants, cups and plates, faded portrait photos, an old travel suitcase, a rusty alarm clock, a majestic chair with beautiful fabric and a portrait of Josef Starlin, are all left in dust and decadence. For some reason, these objects are considered to be incompatible to the inhabitants’ new life and thus being excused from their journey moving forward. Yet these poetic photographs provide the viewers a glimpse into the private life that was held in these spaces, inviting them to fill the blanks with their imagination.

郭国柱 Guo Guozhu
遗物 No.28 Relics of a village No.28, 2014-2015
艺术微喷 Fine Art Printing
40 × 40 cm

Born in 1982 in Yongchun, Fujian, Guo Guozhu received his B. A from the Mechanics of Nanchang Hangkong University in 2005. His works are included in the public collections of the CAFA Art Museum and Photography Museum of Lishui China. Guo has been the subject of solos exhibitions at Matthew Liu Fine Arts, Shanghai, 2019; W. Ming Art, New York, 2017 and CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, 2015. His works have been included in numerous group exhibitions including Taipei International Photo Festival, Taipei, 2018; Yes or No, 2018 Art Nova 100 Opening Exhibition, Guardian Art Center, Beijing, 2018; Art intervention in rural area: Salvation and symbiosis, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2016; Jimei × Arles, International Photo Festival, Three Shadows Xiamen Photography Art Centre, Xiamen, 2015 and Senses of the Hand, Photography New Academy Exhibition of China Academy of Art, CAA Art Museums, Hangzhou, 2015. His is the recipient of numerous awards, including 5th Annual Photography Rankings Of China, New Talent Award 2016 and The 2016 Three Shadows Photography Award. The artist currently lives and works in Xiamen.
For further information, please contact info@mlfinearts. com or +86 21 6315 1582.



Suite 205-206A, 99 East Beijing Rd, Shanghai

+86 21 6315 1582




